As the school year comes to a close, many students and parents may be looking forward to a well-deserved break from homework, studying, and early morning alarms. However, taking a break from learning can have negative consequences on a child’s education. There are tons of ways to keep kids learning while making sure they have a great summer!
Prevent the “Summer Slide”

“Summer Slide” is not as fun as it sounds! Research shows that students can lose up to two months of learning over the summer break, known as the “summer slide.” This loss of knowledge can be detrimental, as it can take weeks or even months for students to catch up once school starts again. However, by engaging in summer learning activities, like summer camp with an educational twist, students can prevent the summer slide and keep their minds active.
Improve Academic Performance
According to a study by the National Summer Learning Association, students who engage in summer learning activities are more likely to score higher on standardized tests and perform better in the next school year. By continuing to learn over the summer, students can build on the knowledge they gained during the school year and improve their academic and socio-emotional skills.

Explore New Interests and Hobbies
The summer break offers kids a chance to delve into new interests and hobbies. With more free time, children can participate in activities they may not have had time for during the school year, such as reading for pleasure, learning a new language – like Python or Scratch, or becoming a drone pilot. This can help children discover new passions and talents, which can lead to increased motivation and engagement in their education.

Strengthen Parent-Child Relationships
Summer learning can also be an opportunity for parents to strengthen their relationships with their children. By participating in learning activities together – like iCAMP’s Mommy & Me + STEAM, reading books or exploring new subjects – parents can bond with their children while also promoting their education.

By engaging in learning activities over the summer, kids can learn and grow in ways that will make them more prepared for school and life – all while still having fun! Parents can encourage summer learning by setting aside time for educational activities, creating a schedule or plan for learning, and providing resources such as books, educational games, or programs online and in person – all of which can be found at the iCAMP location near you! With the right support, children can continue to learn and grow over the summer months.